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Friday, August 12, 2016

Why dogs are better than cats?

It’s hard to say what it is about animals that we love the most – their cute or beautiful looks or their natural innocence. Because whatever the case may be, the following animal facts that dogs are better than cat always true. See why.


1. Dogs make you laugh.
A pilot study of 95 people found that dog owners laughed significantly more frequently than cat owners. Cats might even be a drag — even participants without pets reported laughing more than those who just owned cats.

2. Dogs help you make friends.
"Pet dogs can act as catalysts for human social interactions, and it has been suggested this may enhance feelings of well-being," according toone study, which found that strolling around with a dog led to more interactions, especially with strangers, than when walking solo.

"When I'm outside with my dog, I always meet new people and chat with them," one respondent said in a survey of 23 elderly dog owners who were single.

3. A dog's sense of smell can be useful.
University of Pennsylvania researchers are currently training Golden Retrievers and German Shepards how to sniff out ovarian cancer.

4. Dogs are technologically-advanced.
While most cats are busy batting crumpled tissues around the house, some tech-savvy dogs are learning how to recognize and respond to written commands on an iPad, like "sit" or "whirly," as well as mastering the art of taking selfies. A London-based company called City Dog offers sessions to train your dog how to take flattering photos of himself by swiping his nose over the screen.

5. Dogs keep us fit.
Dogs need walks — which also encourages the owner to walk. Walking is a great form of exercise. "Older people with dogs are covering an average daily distance of approximately 0.95 miles," one study found.

A separate 5-year-study of nearly 2,000 people in Perth, Australia, noted that "dog walking has the potential to increase physical activity in a large proportion of the community."

Other animal facts tiger information for kids
Posted by reviewjournal24h

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