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Friday, July 29, 2016

Pokémon GO: a beginners' guide (Part 1)

For two decades, Pokémon players have dreamt of going on a real-life Pokémon journey, and now mobile sensation Pokémon GO finally gives them the chance to do so – or at least the closest possible alternative (read our somewhat mixed review).
With smartphone in hand, players can explore the world around them, collecting Pokémon and battling for control of Pokémon Trainer gyms – the game's augmented reality features even place the creatures in the world around you. The app's popularity is bringing players together to share the experience, which has, of course, led to some ridiculous and faintly hilarious headlines as overly enthusiastic players have been falling off cliffsgetting robbed, or even arrested. There's also been a terrifing spike in searches for Pokémon porn... But we digress.
The main problem with the game (other than the chronic server issues (though they'll hopefully be addressed soon) is that very little about it is explained. It's pretty much a case of meeting Professor Willow, your ostensible guide, being given some Pokéballs, and sent off on your way. What follows are all the handy pointers that Willow was too lazy to bother with.

Customising your character

Dress well. Unless developer Niantic changes this in a future update, you can't redesign your customised character once you've started your game. Make sure you're totally happy with your look before setting off, because you're stuck with it.

Choosing your starting Pokémon.

When you set out, Professor Willow prompts you to catch one of the three original starter Pokémon – Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle. However, there is a fourth option: the electric mouse itself, Pikachu. To get the series mascot to appear as a possible fourth Pokémon, walk away from the main trio four times. They'll respawn around you when they leave the map screen, eventually bringing Pikachu with them.
Keep in mind though, a starter Pokémon doesn't have the same gravitas that it does in the core games. They don't level up from battling, and you'll eventually be able to find them all to catch in the wild. Getting Pikachu first is purely for bragging rights.

Catching Pokémon: curveballs and colour rings

Catching Pokémon is different to the core games too. The creatures will spawn on the map as you wander; simply tap them to engage. This brings up a separate screen where you throw Pokéballs at your intended catch. There's no whittling down their health though – it's all down to skill and luck.
However, there are tricks to improving catch rate. Items called Razz Berries increase a Pokémon's friendliness and stop the more skittish ones from fleeing so easily – these can be randomly found at Pokéstops. When throwing a Pokéball, if you spin it with your finger on screen, this creates a curve ball, and increases the amount of experience you earn. Also, aim for the diminishing circle that appears when holding your finger on the ball – the smaller it is when you hit, the better your chances of catching. The colour of the ring indicates a Pokémon's rarity too: green for common, orange-yellow for uncommon, red for rare.

Pokéstops: item time

As you explore, you'll see little blue pylon markers dotted around, which spring to life as you approach. Tap on them, and you'll be greeted by a dial that you spin with a swipe to activate. These are the aforementioned Pokéstops, generated from areas of local interest around you, and they replenish your stocks of Pokéballs, health items such as potions and revives, and Razz Berries.
Pokéstops serve another purpose too though – they can attract Pokémon. Once you've tapped on one, there's a small white oval underneath their names. Items called Lures can be placed here if you have them in your inventory, which draw Pokémon in for 30 minutes at a time. You'll know if a Pokéstop has one attached beforehand, as it'll be swirling with petals on the map screen.

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